Here are some tips to help ensure you have a near as perfect and, safe safari in Tanzania

 Check the many alternatives available to you, taking into consideration the wildlife and terrain that interests you most. If you tell us what your priorities are, we will ensure your tailor-made safari is designed specially to your needs, interests, allotted time and budget.

 Check that the best ‘Safari Operator’ that resonates with you is registered or listed with its’ countries official ‘Tour Operators Association’ or Tourist Organisation.

 Ask to see details of your Safari Operators ‘Code of Conduct’, Safety measures, Vehicle & Operating Licences and Insurance Policies. Reputable operators such as ourselves have a history of recommendations from our clients and we maintain a reliable, professional ‘Footprint.’ Our references can be seen on this website in written form, as well as video testimonials from those who have gone on safari with us.

 Check this website for extensive information concerning itineraries, advice, recommendations, and so much more.