Top 10 Animals you are most likely to see on a Safari in Tanzania with

Most safari enthusiasts dream of witnessing the magnificent wildlife that roams the plains of Tanzania, and with, that dream can become a reality. Tanzania is home to a diverse array of animals, making it a prime destination for an unforgettable safari experience. From the iconic big cats to the majestic elephants and the graceful giraffes, this blog post will highlight the top 10 animals you are most likely to encounter on a safari in Tanzania with Let us guide you through the wonders of Tanzania’s wildlife and help you prepare for an adventure of a lifetime.

The Big Five: A Safari Highlight

African Elephant: The Gentle Giants

Highlight of any safari, the African Elephant is one of the most iconic animals you can encounter in Tanzania’s wilderness. Known as the gentle giants of the savannah, these majestic creatures are a sight to behold as they roam the vast plains in search of food and water.

African Buffalo: The Formidable Beast

Five of the Big Five, the African Buffalo is a formidable beast that commands respect in the African bush. With their powerful build and unpredictable nature, these creatures are a thrilling sight for safari-goers looking to witness the raw power of nature in action.


The African Buffalo is known for its strong herding instincts and the protection it provides to its group. Despite their seemingly docile demeanor, these animals can be aggressive when threatened, making them a force to be reckoned with in the wild.

African Leopard: The Elusive Predator

For those looking to catch a glimpse of a stealthy predator in action, the African Leopard is a must-see on any safari. Their elusive nature and impressive climbing skills make them a thrilling sighting for wildlife enthusiasts.


The African Leopard is a solitary and elusive animal, known for its ability to blend into its surroundings with its spotted coat. Their agility and hunting prowess make them a top predator in the African wilderness, able to take down prey much larger than themselves.

African Lion: The King of the Beasts

Elusive and majestic, the African Lion holds a special place as the king of the beasts in Tanzania’s ecosystem. These powerful predators rule over the savannah with grace and dominance, making them a highly sought-after sighting on any safari.


The African Lion’s iconic mane and powerful roar make it a symbol of strength and majesty in the animal kingdom. Witnessing these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat is a truly unforgettable experience for any wildlife enthusiast.

Rhinoceros: The Armor-Clad Herbivore

Any safari in Tanzania wouldn’t be complete without spotting the Rhinoceros, a rare and endangered species that roams the savannah. These armor-clad herbivores are a true testament to the importance of conservation efforts in protecting vulnerable species.


Rhinoceros are known for their thick skin and distinctive horns, which make them a unique sight on the African plains. Despite their massive size, these gentle giants are herbivores that play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem.

On the Plains and in the Air

Wildebeest: The Great Migrators

One of the most iconic species you are likely to encounter on a safari in Tanzania is the wildebeest. These majestic animals are known for their incredible annual migration, where millions of them travel hundreds of miles in search of fresh grazing lands.

Zebra: The Striped Wanderers

On your safari in Tanzania, you will also have the chance to witness the beauty of zebras. These striped wanderers are a common sight on the plains, moving gracefully in herds across the savannah.

Zebras play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem, as they are a food source for predators like lions and hyenas. Their distinctive black and white stripes are not only visually striking but also serve as a form of camouflage, making it difficult for predators to single out individuals in a herd.

Giraffe: The Treetop Grazers

Migrators. One of the most enchanting creatures you may see in Tanzania is the giraffe. These treetop grazers tower over the savannah, gracefully munching on leaves from the treetops. Their long necks and legs make them unmistakable and uniquely adapted to their browsing lifestyle.

Grazers. Giraffes are not only the tallest land animals on earth, but they also have a prehensile tongue that allows them to strip leaves from even the thorniest branches. Keep an eye out for these elegant giants as they move slowly and gracefully through the acacia trees.

African Fish Eagle: The Majestic Hunter

Zebra. Another incredible sight to see in Tanzania is the African Fish Eagle. Known for its striking white head and tail feathers, this majestic bird is a skilled hunter that can often be seen circling over lakes and rivers in search of prey.

The African Fish Eagle is a symbol of Africa’s natural beauty and is often seen perched high in trees along the water’s edge, ready to swoop down and snatch fish from the water with its powerful talons.

Watering Hole Regulars

Hippopotamus: The Submerged Giants

Hole – Many visitors to the watering holes in Tanzania are captivated by the sight of the massive hippopotamus, also known as “river horses”. These semi-aquatic mammals spend most of their days submerged in water to stay cool and protect their sensitive skin from the sun. Despite their chubby appearance, hippos are fast runners and can be quite aggressive when provoked, making them one of the most fascinating animals to observe on a safari.

Crocodile: The Stealthy Ambushers

Any – These prehistoric predators are a common sight near the water’s edge, patiently waiting for their next meal to approach. Crocodiles are known for their stealth and powerful jaws, capable of taking down prey much larger than themselves. Observing these ambushers in action is a thrilling experience for safari-goers, offering a glimpse into the raw and untamed nature of the African wilderness.

Submerged – It is important to stay a safe distance away from crocodiles, as they are highly skilled hunters and can launch a surprise attack without warning. Their ability to remain submerged for long periods of time, combined with their impeccable camouflage, makes them a formidable presence in the waterways of Tanzania.

Other Notables and Night Time Sightings

Hyena: The Misunderstood Scavenger

With their infamous laughter echoing through the night, hyenas are often misunderstood as ruthless scavengers. In reality, these highly intelligent predators play a crucial role in the ecosystem by cleaning up carcasses and helping regulate populations of herbivores. While they may not be the most beloved animals, observing hyenas in their natural habitat can be a fascinating experience on your safari.

Cheetah: The Speedy Hunter

Speedy and graceful, cheetahs are the fastest land animals, capable of reaching speeds of up to 60 miles per hour in just a few seconds. These majestic big cats are expert hunters, relying on their incredible speed and agility to chase down prey. While cheetahs are primarily diurnal hunters, there is a chance to spot them on a night time safari, especially during dawn or dusk when they may be more active.

Another interesting fact about cheetahs is that they are solitary animals, with males often forming small coalitions with their brothers to increase their chances of successfully hunting and defending their territory. Despite their speed and agility, cheetahs are still vulnerable to larger predators like lions and hyenas, making every hunt a risky endeavor for these magnificent cats.

Final Words

Considering all points, commenceing on a safari in Tanzania with guarantees an unforgettable experience with the top 10 animals you are most likely to see. From majestic elephants and graceful giraffes to powerful lions and elusive leopards, the diverse wildlife of Tanzania’s national parks will leave you in awe. With expert guides and comfortable accommodations, your safari adventure will be both thrilling and enriching. Book your safari today and get ready to witness the wonders of nature in Tanzania.

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