Usambara Mountains Tour

The Eastern & Western Usambara Mountains

The  Usambara Mountains Tour Stretch of approximately 90km and a width of 30-50km. Usambara Mountains Tour comprise of the easternmost ranges of the Eastern Arc Mountains. Lack of glaciation, long periods of isolation, and a relatively consistent climate cause the tropical rainforest to uniquely evolve thus resulting in an impressive amount of endemism and an old-growth cloud forest. It is considered tremendously significant ecologically and a makes the range one of the world’s Biodiversity hotspot. Several species are endemic to the Usambara forests, including the Usambara eagle-owl, the Usambara weaver, the Usambara akalat, the African violet and the tree species Calodendrum eickii.

The Usambaras are commonly split into two sub-ranges, the West and the East Usambara Mountains. The East Usambara are closer to the coast, receiving more rainfall, and are significantly smaller than the West Usambara

Western Usambara

Lushoto District, formerly known as Wilhelmstal during the German colonialism of 1890 to 1918, Lushoto is rich in history and it’s where we’ll begin our adventure.

In addition to learning about the conservation needs of this mountain range, you’ll have ample opportunities to hike to spectacular view points over the forested mountain and do some excellent birding. enjoy your  Usambara Mountains Tour

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Detailes Itenerary
Detailes Itenerary

Day 1 Moshi to Lushoto


Day 2: Lushoto to Irente View and Magamba Rainforest


Day 3: Lushoto to Mtae View Point to Magoroto Forest Estate




Eastern Usambara

Magoroto Forest Estateo

Opened in 1896 by German Settlers as one of the very first commercial plantations in Eastern Africa. Originally the Estate began as a rubber plantation and, after subsequent failed attempts to grow coffee and tea, converted into a Palmoil Estate in 1921. Seized from the German owners as “enemy property” after World War 1 the Estate has been taken over by the Amboni Group in the 1940s. The palm oil production had to be ceased in the 90s due to stifling competition from Malaysia and Indonesia. Since then Magoroto  has been maintained and protected with great enthusiasm and engagement for little else than its unique natural beauty and uniqueness.

Magoroto forms part of the East Usambara Mountains, which are world-renown for their high species endemism and rich floral and faunal diversity. They are recognized as part of a Biodiversity Hotspot (WWF & IUCN), an “Important Bird Area” (Wildlife Conservation Society of Tanzania – WCST) and a “Man and Biosphere Reserve (UNESCO). African Violets (Saintpaulia) have been promoted as flagship plants for the conservation of these forests.

Day 4 Magoroto Forest Estate



Day 5 Magoroto – Arusha







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